'Ayurvedic Rituals for Health and Happiness' - with Kimmana Nichols & Suze Retera

With Kimmana Nichols and Suze Retera

June 17 - 18, 2017

  • €157.02 – Program Price

The system of Ayurveda is vast and profound with so many areas which can enhance our health, happiness and productivity. In this intensive Kimmana Nichols and Suze Retera will focus on the essential daily habits for the body, known in Ayurveda as dinacharya or daily rituals.

They are specific practices which are the foundation for a happy and healthy life because they encourage us to self-heal and decrease the ageing process. When practiced regularly they increase your motivation for life, harmonise the mind and emotions, and improve physical strength and radiant beauty.

Kimmana will teach you the principles and theory behind the Ayurvedic practices and Suze will offer you yoga practices in which the balancing principles of Ayurveda are applied. The intensive will offer you both the theory and the embodied experience needed to easily apply the knowledge you gained in you daily life.


Ayurveda is the world’s oldest recorded system of healing. Used for more than 5,000 years by thousands of doctors on millions of patients, it is a proven system of prevention and healing.

Ayurveda is based on the elements that are present in everything. It offers a unique system of treatment based on life-style adjustments and natural treatments, including yoga. Its profound classification of mind-body types provides a clear assessment of individual constitution and how to treat it holistically. This makes Ayurveda an ideal practice for disease prevention, promotion of longevity, and increasing our overall sense of wellbeing and happiness.


  • A more balanced and purposeful life through using the 5 Elements

  • An understanding of your most likely disease tendency and how to prevent it

  • A movement practice which enlivens the mind, body and soul

  • The 6 time periods of the day and what are the best actions for each period

  • More than 10 life changing practices which support your spiritual and personal growth

  • A community experience where connection and wisdom inspire life long friends

About the Teachers

Kimmana Nichols

Naturopath and Ayurvedic Teacher Kimmana Nichols is the third generation from an entire family of holistic healers and educators. With experience in more than 20 modalities of bodywork and medicine, his passion for healing arts and teaching has awakened a world wave of Vedic Wisdom changing lives. He co-created ThaiVedic Systems to merge his modern […]

Learn more about Kimmana Nichols

Suze Retera

Suze is a Psychologist and certified yoga teacher. Throughout the years she deepened her knowledge in both fields by adding Family Constellations, TRE (Trauma Release Exercises) and Yoga Nidra to her qualifications. Her passion for travel, a conscious lifestyle and (self) healing inspired her to start Global Flow Retreats in 2006. Global Flow Retreats offers […]

Learn more about Suze Retera