Irina Verwer

Eons ago, Irina fell in love with yoga. She thinks, reads, teaches, breathes, and lives yoga. However, there’s one thing she is equally excited about, and that is food. Irina loves to cook and loves to eat. That passion for all things food-related was passed on to her years ago. When her mom was creating one of her amazing Indonesian dishes, Irina stood next to her on a stepladder, watching every move she made. Whenever her family went out for dinner, she asked the cook if she could help him or her in the kitchen. Most of the time, the answer was ‘yes’. When Irina was ten years old, she read all of her grandmother’s cookbooks and made a three-course dinner for the entire family. A few years later, she was running her own vegan catering company.

The day she stepped on a yoga mat for the first time, she knew she had found her path in life. Soon enough she found out that there are clear guidelines on what to eat and what not in the old yogic texts. She read and tested them all and teaches workshops on yogic diet and Ayurveda. Irina has developed yogic and Ayurveda programs with recipes and practices for Ekhart Yoga, taught private classes and private workshops on nutrition, given advise on what, why, how and where to eat and she has written a yogic cookbook called ‘Kopstand in de Keuken’ (‘Headstand in the Kitchen’). Her second cookbook will be available in 2015.

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