Ernestine Numan

From an early age, Ernestine knew she wanted to contribute to this world by becoming a facilitator of healing and growth. Fascinated by the big questions, such as ‘who or what are we’, and ‘why are we here’, she continuously invests in her personal growth and her education as a life coach and teacher.

The way, in which she offers her teachings, has developed according to the expansion of her awareness. She started with 1 on 1 coaching and now also hosts different courses and retreats because in her experience there is a transformative power in ‘retreating’ for a longer period of time in the sacred space of a connected group.

To Ernestine, spending time in silence is the most profound way in which we can connect to who we truly are, as ‘a spiritual being with a human experience’.  She believes that, when we know who we truly are, we no longer only relax during a class or retreat, but we become the inner peace that we were looking for.

Through her holistic approach, Ernestine supports you in becoming the most brilliant version of yourself by the nourishment of your body, mind, and soul!

A brief summary of her educations is MA of Arts, Coaching & Counseling, Bridgeman Meditation Trainer in Mindfulness-Based Emotional Intelligence, Reiki 1, Rigpa 1, and many more courses and workshops in intuition, meditation, healing, and energy work.