Women Workshop: Creativity, Sexuality and the Cycles of our Lives

With Uma Dinsmore Tuli and Sivani Mata Francis

January 25, 2019

Location: Vondelkerk

Address: Vondelstraat 120a
1053GS Amsterdam

  • €87.16 – Women Workshop - Regular Rate

What is the relationship between creativity, sexuality and the cycles of our lives? How does energy move, as creative and sexual expression, and how does she get blocked? What is the relationship between rest and activity in relation to our creative and sexual cycles? What is the nature of Shakti and how has she been constrained? How can we understand the movements of Shakti? How can the Great Wisdom Goddesses Kamalatmika (the lotus goddess of delight) and Matangi (the wild outcaste poet) support our understanding of creative and sexual energies?

This experiential day-long workshop is open to all women and yoga teachers, yoga therapists and health care practitioners who are seeking to support positive experiences of creativity and sexuality in women’s lives, either for themselves personally, or for their students and clients.

The day counts as continuing professional development (CPD) for teachers who have completed prior training(s) with Uma, and can also count towards CPD points for general yoga teachers and therapists, depending upon the requirements of their professional associations. Health care practitioners, psychotherapists, sexological body-workers and coaches with an interest in yoga, sexuality and creativity are also welcome to attend, provided they have a living interest in and practice of yoga.

The intention of this day is to provide practical experience of breath (pranayama), rhythmic and restorative yoga postures (asana), gestures (mudra), heart-based meditations (Yoga Nidra) and deep, joyful heart songs (kirtan) that promote healthy creative and sexual energies. Supportive sequences of integrated yoga postures will be taught, and there will be time for discussion. An overview of common creative and sexual challenges and opportunities will be discussed in relation to appropriate yogic responses. By the end of the day, participants will have an understanding of the key practical and theoretical yoga-tantra responses that are helpful to support the expression of women’s creativity and sexuality.

There will be plenty of opportunity for questions and discussions. The programme is open to responsive, intuitive attunements and adjustments to meet the specific needs of those attending.

About the Teachers

Uma Dinsmore Tuli

Uma was first introduced to yoga at the age of four by her mother and began meditating at nine on a pilgrimage with her maternal grandmother. Yoga and meditation have been part of her daily life ever since. As a naturally curious and enquiring yogini, she has engaged passionately and critically with a variety of […]

Learn more about Uma Dinsmore Tuli

Sivani Mata Francis

Sivani Mata has been using Yoga Nidra, the sublime practice of “yogic sleep” as a daily practice for many years now, and in April 2013 she completed the Total Yoga Nidra teacher training with Nirlipta Tuli and Uma Dinsmore-Tuli, and is now able to share this invaluable practice which has aided her healing process over […]

Learn more about Sivani Mata Francis